Blockchain technology and NFT are the most reasonable way to the meta universe

Fair Game
5 min readMay 28, 2021


Blockchain technology and NFT are the “most reasonable way” to the completely emerging meta-universe (virtual world). Although this sentence comes from the creator of “Fortress Night”, “Father of Virtual Engine Tim Sweeney”, But it is reflected in Fair.Game, and only when you have experienced the virtual world platform Metaverse X developed by Fair.Game’s X studio (X studio), can you know why blockchain technology And NFT is the most reasonable way to the meta-universe.

Metaverse can be said to be the highest form of current MMO (Massive Online Multiplayer) game. It is an immersive virtual world close to the real existence, an open future online world. This property that spans the physical and digital world is naturally suitable for combining blockchain technology. Blockchain technology not only allows user data, digital items, content, and IP to be circulated in the metaverse, but also allows users and companies to Create content and products to make it more prosperous. More importantly, blockchain technology can also create a fully functioning economic system that links the real world in the meta-universe.

NFT: A bridge linking digital assets and real assets

NFT is the main component of this economic system. It is a bridge linking the virtual world and the real world, as well as a bridge linking digital assets and real assets. This type of non-homogeneous cryptocurrency started relatively late in the development of blockchain, but it also succeeded in getting out of the circle with its unique core value.

NFT is constructed using the same blockchain technology as mainstream currencies (from ETH to Flow, BSC, Near and other public chains, and the public chains supporting the development of NFT assets have been gradually increased), but the underlying physical assets they target are not Money and precious metals are more of physical or virtual assets such as artworks, tickets, music, and game props. These assets are different in individuals, not like money, there is no difference. Just like if a friend borrowed your car, but returned you another one, you are unacceptable, because each car has unique attributes, but homogenized money does not have this problem.

Only a small part of the world’s wealth exists in the form of currency, and more of it exists in the form of assets. Many of these assets have unique values, and even these values ​​are often subjective. If cryptocurrency is a virtual alternative currency for global legal currency or gold, we can imagine that NFT will become a similar wealth distribution method for virtual assets in the future. Although the NFT boom has brought a lot of speculation, it seems that in the long run, these speculations will be subdued and transformed into a brand new subversion of the past product and service markets. Meta Universe is a huge application market in which NFT and Meta Universe are a match made in heaven.

In Fair.Game’s view, the game may be the closest track to Metaverse. Metaverse X is designed to be a more friendly blockchain game development platform, specifically designed for sandbox and MMO gamers. In Metaverse X, distribution is completely decentralized through the blockchain. Players own the land and building assets in the game, such as forests, islands, houses, castles, etc. Of course, as the ecology gradually expands, other types of assets will also be added. Developers and players can create various products through creation, Sold and traded on the open market as an NFT. Players will be able to use FAIR tokens to buy and sell virtual items, including buildings and other assets they create and design.

Weaving the digital world with NFT and meta-universe

Tim Sweeney said during the NFT boom: Due to factors such as transaction costs and speculation that constitute cryptocurrencies today, the dream of a “persistent, real-time digital world” may still be out of reach. In the coming decades, the new era of virtual existence will usher in the next great milestone for people as a networked species. NFT is indeed an indispensable contribution to the development of Metaverse, but due to the excessive speculation, this effect is greatly weakened, especially when the entire cryptocurrency market is in a bull market. But not all platforms are mainly short-term profit-seeking. For example, Fair.Game has chosen to quietly devote itself to the development and research of Metaverse X.

Although it is now a low-profile version of Metaverse, there is no doubt that the real Metaverse is not a short-term virtual presentation, but a more ambitious and continuous concept. Most importantly, Metaverse will be connected and connected with the real world. And with the blessing of NFT and blockchain technology, Metaverse will also greatly reflect the spirit of decentralization to create a nearly perfect digital world.

On the one hand, NFT brings subversion of ownership and empowerment of the public. The characteristics of NFT ensure the scarcity, uniqueness and authenticity of virtual goods, so that assets in the virtual world can have value in the real world. At the same time, NFT can also turn items in the real world that were previously impossible or difficult to capitalize into assets.

In a sense, Metaverse is unknowable to us today, with exponential imagination. Imagine that the dynamic music video NFT of a well-known artist you bought can be “placed” in your living room in the form of a holographic image, and you can even interact with it. Or, not only can you buy digital skins in a virtual shopping mall, but you can also buy food and snacks that will be delivered to your home in the real world, and the entire experience is seamless. Or, you can buy and sell real estate in the virtual world.

The development of NFT and Metaverse will inevitably be intertwined, from the initial game and entertainment field to spread to multiple industries such as construction, manufacturing, telecommunications, infrastructure, and automobiles. The game track is an important infrastructure industry for Metaverse. To achieve an impromptu experience that simulates the real world in Metaverse, a large number of game ecology needs to be created and processed.

Fair.Game provides creators with a friendly platform that is easy to develop, helping creators from all over the world to easily bring their ideas to Metaverse X, and be made into NFT for trading in the open market, making it possible for everyone to become The creator of the virtual world is not just a participant. Let all creativity be worth looking forward to.

